Tag: Atlanta Real Estate News
In a past blog post, we shared one of local restauranteur Justin Anthony’s ventures—10 Degrees South in Buckhead—and we’re thrilled to share another this week with Atlanta’s Cape Dutch. This culinary favorite features Anthony’s signature South African flair and globally inspired entrees and yet caters to a wider audience with various seafood dishes,... Read More
You’ve heard the term FOMO—or Fear of Missing Out—and just as it applies to watching others try that new Atlanta restaurant without you, the same goes for the real estate market. When you work with Heineck & Company to sell your Metro Atlanta home, it is our goal to create... Read More
In a past blog post, we shared Why So Many Companies are Relocating to Atlanta and it seems as though the influx of new businesses into ATL has no plans of stopping. Not only does Atlanta boast benefits like tax incentives, strong transportation, and proximity to a major airport, but... Read More
Did you know Metro Atlanta‘s economy is ranked the 10th largest in the country, in addition to being the home of nearly 6 million people and over 150,000 businesses? What’s more, Atlanta serves as the headquarters for 18 FORTUNE 500 companies including Coca-Cola, Home Depot, Delta and Newell Rubbermaid. More and more companies continue... Read More
The holidays are just around the corner here in Atlanta and if you’ve been thinking about selling your home, now is not the time to sit back and relax. Yes, it may seem like the busy holiday hustle and bustle can get in the way of a successful home sale—in... Read More
Did you know that Georgia is now listed among the top three markets for film and TV, right behind New York and Los Angeles? It’s true! If you find yourself watching a movie or television commercial in the near future and think you recognize an Atlanta locale, you may be... Read More
Home buyers are out in force in Metro Atlanta! They are also motivated and decisive. I’ve been writing many offers for the past few weeks! While home buyers remain a bit choosy, they are also taking fast action when they see something they like. Based on our current sales... Read More